Free Fall and Projectile Motion Physics.

Cybeir Kim Otchia

Free Fall and Projectile Motion Physics

Free Fall and Projectile Motion Physics: Question from “Cybeir Kim Otchia”

I can’t find the answer to the following question:
A body is projected with an initial velocity of 24.5 m/s at 30 degrees below the horizontal.
Find (a) time of flight, (b) maximum height attained by the body, and (c) range.
I’d appreciate your help with this. Thank you in anticipation.

Answer from “Arnie”

This is a tricky question, but I think I have the answer. However, I can’t use a blog post to show how I got the answer. But you should be able to inspect and download the PDF I made below. Indeed, it shows all calculations leading to the following answer.

(a) Time of flight: 2.5 seconds
(b) Maximum height attained: 0 metres
(c) Range: 53.11 metres

Visitors can tinker with the settings above and expand the PDF file. However, downloading it and using your own PDF reader would be a better option.

Cybeir Kim Otchia may be struggling with the question, but the boffins here came up trumps yet again. However, the person posing the question did not get back to me, so I don’t know if he or she managed to complete his or her course work.

I hope we managed to give the original question poser some help, and maybe one day he or she can let us know. But we are a member-only website nowadays, so maybe we will never know.

Should anyone stumble on this page and analyse the answer I gave, then maybe they will let us know. I would like confirmation that all my calculations are correct, of course.

Update from the website owner: anyone who can confirm the answer is correct or can provide a better way to calculate the answer, let us know, and you can join the forum for free!

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